1. Investment management (coming soon)
Professional asset management to achieve specific profitability and risk goals.- - Portfolio formation and rebalancing.- - Market analysis and selection of promising assets.
2. Access to a variety of instruments (coming soon)
Investing in cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, currencies, real estate and other assets.- Reinvestment of trusted capital in reliable and proven traders, brokers, investment funds with a narrow focus.
3. Analytical services
Assessment of the client's investment profile (risk, investment horizons). Providing analytics on the choice of investment class.- Analysis of investment strategies using artificial intelligence- Separate analysis of the cryptocurrency market- Stock market analysis
4. Collective investment (coming soon)
Pooling of investors' funds for diversification and risk reduction.
5. Reporting and transparency (coming soon)
Regular provision of portfolio status reports (monthly/quarterly/annually). - Transparency regarding fees and expense structure.
6. Additional services (coming soon)
Investment insurance (after six months of the fund's operation, we will begin to develop this area). • Development of tax strategies for clients.
7. Training (coming soon)
The basics of investing (creating an investor from an ordinary person). *we will teach people to be smart*